Security architecture program 2024

ENCS organises its knowledge development in 3 programs: policy, architecture, and operations. Below, you can explore what we have planned in these areas for 2024.

The security architecture program aims to develop and share knowledge to security architects and others responsible for technical security measures. It covers the design of secure systems and setting security requirements for procuring secure components.

In 2024, ENCS wil focus on preparing for new product cybersecurity requirements from the Radio-Equipment Directive (RED) and Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). Discover below what ENCS will focus on during the security architecture program 2024.

Participate in RED and CRA standardization

Goal: to ensure workable harmonized standards for RED and CRA.


  • Participate in JTC 13 WG 8 to ensure RED requirements are addressed
  • Participate in JTC 13 WG 9 to monitor CRA standard
  • Create reference architecture in SGTF EG2 to identify need for sector-specific requirements

Prepare smart meter requirements for CRA

Goal: to prepare for CRA harmonized standard for smart metering


  • Identify gaps in current RED standard compared to E.DSO ENCS requirements
  • Workshops with DSO entity experts
  • Work out assurance approach in line with CRA

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