EV-301-2016 EV Charging Systems Security Requirements

This catalog describes security requirements for Electric Vehicle charging systems. Two sets of requirements are included:
First, a set of requirement for the procurement of Charge Point. This set includes requirements to make sure the Charge Point itself is secure, that it has all functionality needed to set up secure operational processes, that its Vendor takes measures to ensure its security throughout its lifecycle, and that measures are taken to assure that security measures have been implemented well.
Second, a set of requirements for secure communications between the Charge Point Operator (CPO) and Distribution System Operator (DSO). These requirements can be used as part of the security requirements when new server systems are procured or set up.
The definition of the requirements is based on the results of a Threat Assessment, which identified the threats and possible attacks related to EV charging systems. Each requirement is justified by one or more possible threats identified.
These requirements have been developed by the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) for ElaadNL. ElaadNL intends to use and promote the requirements as the basis for future development.

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