Assessment of the security risks for a typical EV charging infrastructure.
As part of the energy transition, there has been a large growth of electric vehicles on the streets. By June 2018, already one million electric cars were registered in Europe and almost a quarter of cars is expected to be electric in 2030.
The electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is being expanded to keep up with this growth. Millions of charging stations will be placed throughout Europe. Many will be remotely controlled by Charge Point Operators (CPO).
These charging stations need to be protected against cyber-attacks. The electrical load that is controlled remotely by the CPOs, will soon be large enough to affect the stability of the European grid. If the power on a high number of charging stations would be switched off at the same time, this could lead to significant power outages.
ENCS has developed a security architecture for the EV charging infrastructure. The goal of this risk assessment is to show how the measures in this architecture sufficiently mitigate the security risks.