On November and 12, 13 and 14, ENCS held its Read Team Blue Team (RTBT) training at Marriott hotel in The Hague with representatives from the ENTSO-E community in attendance. Participants learned the first two days about the importance of cyber security in the IT/OT environments and practice their skills in different hands-on exercises. During the hands-on session the participants had the opportunity to get familiar with different tools that they could apply during the RTBT team exercise. During the second half of the second and the third day of the training, the RTBT exercise took place where the participants were divided in two groups and practiced their attack and defense skills. The training ended with a lessons learned session where the participants had the chance to summarize their experience and arrive to conclusions on how to make the electrical infrastructure more secure.
As the world of cyber-security keeps evolving, especially in OT sector, trainings such as the Red Team Blue Team become a very important element for successfully overcoming the challenges that the energy sector will face in the next years. The goal of ENCS is to provide protection, awareness and knowledge sharing in the area of cyber security for the energy utilities to make sure the energy transition will be successfully achieved in a secure manner.