RTBT training for ENTSO-E

ENCS held a new Red Team – Blue Team (RTBT) training for ENTSO-E and its members from June 1 to 3, 2022, in The Hague. With this training, ENTSO-E supports the raising of cyber security awareness and knowledge throughout the European transmission system operators (TSOs) . This will allow TSOs to be more effective in identifying risks, applying defensive measures, and responding to possible incidents in ICS/SCADA environments.

On the first and second days, the trainees learned about industrial control systems, the risks to them and the measures to protect them. They had theory sessions and hands-on sessions where the participants learned about the different tools that would be applied during the RTBT team exercise. They prepared for the third day by learning about the training environment, identifying defensive measures, and preparing monitoring tools. On the third day, they were divided into the red and blue teams. As the red team attacked the blue team’s systems, the blue team detected these attacks, discussed mitigation actions, and tried to repel the red team. The training was concluded with the sharing of lessons learned between both teams.

The ENCS RTBT training provides organizations the opportunity to train their employees to identify, understand and respond to real-world attacks. As the world of cyber-security keeps evolving, especially in OT sector, trainings such as the Red Team Blue Team become a very important element for successfully overcoming the challenges that the energy sector will face in the next years. The ENCS training provides an exclusive cyber-physical environment simulating real systems and networks of grid operators.

We offer this unique training approach and infrastructure to our members and key stakeholders. We are proud that ENTSO-E chose to partner, once again, with us. If you are interested in training your organization, don’t hesitate to reach out to us on the contact box below.

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