We are organizing a series of webinars to keep you up to date on cybersecurity developments at the EU level that will affect grid operators and to introduce you to new component requirements we have been working on. The webinars are an hour long each and open to ENCS members only.
Policy program (starts at 1 pm CET)
- 17 March – Update on EU developments: an overview of current developments in EU cybersecurity regulation, including the revised NIS directive, network code on cybersecurity, and the Cybersecurity Act
- 31 March – ICCS certification scheme (part 1): an overview of the industrial ICCS certification scheme developed by the Joint Research Center. This scheme is expected to be selected by ENISA as the official scheme for industrial components. Discussion on how ENCS requirements sets can fit into this scheme.
- 14 April – ICCS certification scheme (part 2): discussion of the evaluation methods in the ICCS scheme and the method developed for IEC 62443 by TeleTrusT.
- 28 April – Product assurance scheme: discussion on how the product assurance scheme in the network code can best be filled in.
Architecture program (starts at 11 am CET)
- 10 March – Security for engineering laptops: presentation of a draft security architecture for engineering laptops, including the central systems to support them and an audit plan to check the implementation of the architecture.
- 24 March – DA and SA requirements (part 1): session on the update to the distribution automation and substation automation requirements with a focus on the requirements for automated key management.
- 7 April – Physical security of smart meters: an overview of the security of smart meters against physical attack, including a demonstration of how to extract the firmware using hardware fault attacks.
- 21 April – Moving OT systems to the cloud: a session to present a risk assessment and security requirements for moving operation technology systems to the cloud.
- 5 May – DA and SA requirements (part 2): session on the update to the distribution automation and substation automation requirements with a focus on the test plans
If you would like to join and haven’t received an invitation yet, you can sign up by dropping us a line via info@encs.eu. In your email, please specify which webinar(s) you would like to attend.