If you’re a regular follower of ENCS, no doubt you’ll have heard of our new Red Team/Blue Team (RTBT) training. It combines lecture learning with a hands-on, live scenario where the red team try to hack our simulated utility, Gridnet, and the blue team tries to defend it.
We believe it’s the best, most comprehensive training of its kind – but it’s not just us at ENCS singing RTBT’s praises.
Recently, we joined utility EVN to hold an RTBT training session at their headquarters in Maria Enzersdorf, Austria. The three-day programme was a great success, with glowing feedback and unanimous agreement that participants would recommend it to others.
Wolfgang Löw, Chief Information Security Officer at EVN said: “We had an amazing 3 days! The training was very well structured and gave the attendees the possibility to learn how a cyber-attack against critical infrastructure components can look like.”
Participants pointed to the realism of the scenario, the opportunity to work hands-on with cyber security tools and the interaction with their colleagues as particular highlights.
One trainee, Hubert Hayd, commented: “From the training I received a lot of useful information regarding the investigation of SCADA Systems. It was very interesting to be on the “dark side” to learn hacking a network. The Trainer was very knowledgeable and the training had a good mix of theoretical and practical learning activities.”
With energy sector cyber security becoming more and more important as grids become smarter, we hope to help many more utilities across Europe with the RTBT programme. For more information, click here.