‘Towards Resilience’ is the yearly symposium organized by the Radiocommunications Agency of the Netherlands (Agentschap Telecom). This year’s theme is the energy transition and the dependence on digital ecosystems. ENCS, together with ElaadNL, will showcase how vulnerabilities in EV charging infrastructure can be exploited to disrupt electricity supply. The energy transition is a digital transformation. New energy sources are linked to a myriad of IT and communication networks. As a consequence, a digital ecosystem emerges with various new vulnerabilities and risks alongside it.
How do we deal with this digital ecosystem? What are the vulnerabilities and risks? Who is responsible for what and what is the role of the Radiocommunications Agency? Is digitalization even sustainable? Can new energy sources cause disruptions in the grid and how should we deal with that?
These topics (and many more) will be discussed during the symposium. In five different webinars, which will take place one after another, experts from the Radiocommunications Agency and other organizations will dive deeper into the theme: energy transition and the dependence on digital ecosystems.
Read more about our involvement in the fifth webinar here. Register here.
All information on this website is in Dutch and Dutch will be the language during the symposium.