ENCS and WindEurope have joined forces in a project on the security of Distributed Energy Resources (DER). The safety and security of the electricity grid is becoming increasingly dependent on the protective measures taken by operators of DER, such as solar and wind farms. The installed capacity in DER is reaching a point at which a cyber-attack within a large producer or a group of small producers could significantly disrupt the grid. DER operators are also digitally connected to grid operators, so that grid operator systems may be compromised through DER operators.
ENCS and its members started a member project on DER security. The goal of the project is to assess the cyber-security risks of DER and to determine which measures grid operators and DER operators should take to mitigate these risks. Within this project, ENCS seeks to collaborate with DER operators and manufacturers, so that their needs and capabilities are accounted for when assessing the real risks and identifying effective countermeasures.
WindEurope and several of its members joined the project and met with ENCS for an introductory workshop on February 5. The agenda included an initial discussion and alignment on use cases, reference architectures, security risks and measures. The collected feedback will be used to build the foundation of ENCS’ analysis and the recommendations.
The partnership between ENCS and WindEurope will continue throughout the DER security project. We look forward to many more fruitful discussions to combine our expertise for a secure European electricity system.