ENCS held its 15th Security Roundtable on 16 May 2023, hosted by Enedis in Paris, France.The ENCS roundtable brought together security experts working at grid operators to share information with peers in a trusted group setting. The fifteenth edition was attended by 16 experts from 6 grid operators.
During the roundtable, ENCS presented an update on the upcoming regulations and the implications for our members. Members presented their work or concerns on the following topics:
- Monitoring and vulnerability management in substations
- Security in agile organizations
- Awareness and training program
- Cyber-physical security for substations
- Smart meter security
Presentations are available to ENCS members on our portal.
Moreover, ENCS held two online roundtables. During the SOC Roundtable, on 10 May, different topics were discussed, from SOC maturity to how to calculate resources needed for a SOC. The architecture roundtable, on 11 May, gave an overview of upcoming European regulations and presented the new sets of ENCS security requirements. Presentation slides for the architecture roundtable can be found here, and for the SOC roundtable will be found here shortly.
The next roundtables will be hosted on 10, 11, 12 of October 2023 by E-REDES in Porto. If you are interested in participating send us an email to info@encs.eu or fill in the contact box below.