ENCS held its 12th Security Roundtable on 1 November 2019, hosted by E.ON Sweden in Malmö. The ENCS roundtable brings together security experts working at grid operators to share information with peers in a trusted group setting. The twelfth edition was attended by 16 experts from 11 grid operators.
Members presented the following topics:
- ST – SCADA – DMS online security monitoring
- Innogy – Human firewall campaign
- Fluvius – Digital risk management
- Enel – Procuring secure smart grid devices
The presentations are available to ENCS members on our portal.
Members also discussed the implementation of the NIS directive and certifications for products and systems. They shared experiences in implementing an information security management system according to ISO 27001 and discussed the development of certification schemes for the energy sector to prepare for the Cybersecurity Act.
To close the roundtable, the participants visited the E.ON operating center.